Follow these tricks and tips for the precise result in Google search


Here are some special tricks you can use if you don't find the results you want on Google search.

Users cannot take full advantage of Google's enormous potential, as it is not possible for everyone to search for the right stuff on the web.

Here are some tips, tricks, and features that will help you do a responsive search properly.

Follow these Tricks:

1) Quotes("key phrase")

Improve the search when you don't find the right result even after searching the result in depth.
Quotes shows search results for the exact phrase.


For Example: type "seo book" in search box with double quote and you retrieve exact result. Also search the same search without double quote you see the difference between result.
If the quotes are removed, the proximity of the search terms still matters to the search engine, but it will now show documents whose contents don’t exactly match the order of the search phrase.

2) Info(info:)

Find information about the specific page

For Example: type in search box you display all information in search result.

3) OR (keyword1 OR keyword2)

Shows results for at least one of the keywords.


4) Related(related:keyword)

This is the operator you use to find other sites that are similar to the one you provide.


For Example : type in search box, you can see the all the design related results website. Display in above Image.
There should be no space between the colon and site. This will bring up a list of site that have been rated by Google as your favorite website.

5)Filetype(filetype:file Extension)

The web also serves as a huge storage container.
You can easily search for different file types by searching for documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc.
To search for a specially named PDF file, you need to add filetype operator in the search.


For Example: seo book filetype:pdf type in search box and result display all PDF file format
You can also use other file format .jpg,.png,.doc etc.
